Lecture 9. Test Execution: New Feature Testing -> Quick Intro -> Test Estimates -> Entry/Exit Criteria -> Test Plan
Entry criteria are certain conditions that allow you to start something. For example, to make a phone call you have to have a working phone, a connection, and the phone number of the recipient. Therefore, we can say that entry criteria for a phone call includes 3 conditions:
– A working phone is available.
– A connection is available.
– A phone number is known.
Exit criteria are certain conditions that allow you to declare that something is finished. For example, lunch at the restaurant is finished when the bill is paid. So, the exit criteria for a meal at a restaurant is:
– The bill is paid.
Both Test preps and Test execution have their own entry/exit criteria. See the examples below. Of course, every company has its own rules, so just grasp the concept.
Entry criteria for Test preps: All specs are frozen.
Exit criteria for Test preps: All test preps (test cases, test tools, etc) are completed.
Entry criteria for Test execution: the code is frozen; the test cases for the NFT are ready to be executed.
Exit criteria for Test execution: NFT and RT are done; there are no open P1 and P2 bugs.
BTW, the main purpose of the Go/No-Go criteria document is to specify entry criteria for a major release.
Of course, the best way to keeps things clean and transparent is to have entry/exit criteria for all necessary situations well defined and documented. Next ->
Lecture 9. Test Execution: New Feature Testing -> Quick Intro -> Test Estimates -> Entry/Exit Criteria -> Test Plan