Lecture 3 - Test Cases and Test Suites -> Quick Intro -> Test Case Structure -> Results Of The Test Case Execution -> Useful Attributes Of The Test Case -> Data-Driven Test Cases -> Maintainability Of Test Cases
The main advantage of our brand-new, shiny Test Case with Credit Card is that we don’t have to modify the steps necessary to test other credit cards if we want to test them in a similar way. One thing we do need to modify, however, is the test case DATA. So, if we want to test two more cards the same way we just tested Visa, we
– Do “copy” one time
– Do “paste” two times
– In both new test cases, we don’t change any steps. Instead, we change only the two (italicized and bolded) values living in the header and the expected result (remember that we also have to change the test case ID and any other attributes):
This type of test case is called data-driven, because the data and the steps using that data are not mixed up in one pile, but separated and linked with each other. Next ->
Lecture 3 - Test Cases and Test Suites -> Quick Intro -> Test Case Structure -> Results Of The Test Case Execution -> Useful Attributes Of The Test Case -> Data-Driven Test Cases -> Maintainability Of Test Cases