Lecture 10 - Test Execution: Regression Testing -> Quick Intro -> How to Choose Test Suites for Regression Testing -> How To Resolve The Contradiction Between Our Limited Resources And The Ever-Growing Number Of Test Suites -> Automation Of Regression Testing: Do It Right OR Forget About It -> When Regression Testing Stops -> Lecture Recap -> Questions & Exercises -> Self-Check Quiz 10
1. Why do we need regression testing?
2. List and describe 3 groups of test suites for regression testing.
3. If we have one test suite from the 1st group and one test suite from the 2nd group, and there is time to execute only one of them, which test suite would you pick up?
4. Describe some ways to settle the issue of limited resources and the ever-growing number of test suites.
5. What is a helper?
6. What does the concept of “the length of the road” have to do with TA?
7. What is the difference between helpers and automation scripts?
8. What kind of automation script is less prone to maintenance? Why?
9. Why is E2E automation usually a bad idea for Web start-ups?
10. What are the causes of TA maintenance?
11. What questions should you ask before automating something?
12. What are the pros for using FL for TA in Web start-ups?
13. What are the cons for using CT for TA in Web start-ups?
14. When does RT stop?
15. What decisions can be made during the Go/No-Go meeting? Next ->
Lecture 10 - Test Execution: Regression Testing -> Quick Intro -> How to Choose Test Suites for Regression Testing -> How To Resolve The Contradiction Between Our Limited Resources And The Ever-Growing Number Of Test Suites -> Automation Of Regression Testing: Do It Right OR Forget About It -> When Regression Testing Stops -> Lecture Recap -> Questions & Exercises -> Self-Check Quiz 10