Lecture1 - A Bug or Not a Bug -> Quick Intro -> Three Conditions Of A Bug’s Existence -> The Gist Of Testing -> Spec, Spec, Spec -> Software Bugs And Spec Bugs
The main sources of expected results are:
1. Specification
2. Specification
3. Specification
4. Life experience, common sense, communication, standards, statistics, valuable opinions, etc.
Specification being stated three times in a row is not a problem with my keyboard, but my way of stressing that specification is:
– the most important
– the most valuable
– the most respected
source of expected results within your software company. Specification is as important for a tester as a script is for an actor or traffic laws for a driver. So, what is specification?
Specification (or “spec” for short) is a detailed description of how software should work and/or look.
Please note that some startups just don’t have specs – in a minute we’ll discuss what to do in that case.
Item 2.1. of the spec #1111 “New User Registration” states:
“Text field “ZIP code’ is required. Page with error message should be displayed if user submits registration form without “ZIP code’ filled.”
ShareLane -> Testing is simple and you can do it yourself:
1. Go to https://www.sharelane.com/cgi-bin/main.py
2. Click link “Sign up”.
3. Press button “Continue”.
If an error message is NOT displayed, we have to report a bug.
If error message is displayed, we can be confident for a while that there is no bug here.
Why did I say “for a while”? We’ll talk about it during our conversation about regression testing. Next ->
Lecture1 - A Bug or Not a Bug -> Quick Intro -> Three Conditions Of A Bug’s Existence -> The Gist Of Testing -> Spec, Spec, Spec -> Software Bugs And Spec Bugs