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Quick Intro

Lecture 8 - Bug Tracking -> Quick Intro -> The Bug Tracking System

As you know, the purpose of testing is to find and address bugs before they are found and addressed by our users. So far our focus has been on bug finding, and now it’s time to talk about addressing bugs. Let’s review the main concepts about addressing bugs:

After a bug is found, a tester must:

– File the bug into the bug tracking system

After the bug is fixed, a tester must

a. Verify that the bug was really fixed

b. Check to see if new bugs have been introduced during bug fixing.

BTW, remember that a. and b. are called regression testing.

The process that begins with filing a bug into the bug tracking system is called the bug tracking process. Every time you file a bug into the bug tracking system, a new instance of bug tracking process is automatically launched.

Here is the plan for this lecture:

First, we’ll talk about the bug tracking system (let’s shorten it to the BTS).

Second, we’ll talk about the bug tracking procedure (let’s shorten this to BTP), i.e., the set of rules about how the bug tracking process must function. Next ->

Lecture 8 - Bug Tracking -> Quick Intro -> The Bug Tracking System